Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Delhi"s first solar power plant

Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit inaugurated Delhi's first solar power plan of one megawatt capacity on December 21. Dikshit said. "In terms of the amount of power produced, it may not be much but it's a huge step in terms of generating clean power," she said. 

Energy Secretary Deepak Gupta said energy sources such as solar would be the next big thing in the country because the government was committed to multiply the generation figures manifold. "The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has set a target of generating 20000 MW of solar power by 2022," he said.
The solar panels are installed on the roof of a central store of discom North Delhi Power Limited in Keshavpuram in Northwest Delhi. The Tatas plan to set up solar panels on the rooftops of around 56 of its grid substations in north and northwest Delhi with a cumulative capacity 2.5-3 MW.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

SELF (Solar Electric Light Fund) : Access to Energy a Human Right?

New Hampshire, USA – Just imagine taking your sick son or daughter to the hospital after dark and having the doctor examine the child by candlelight. Or walking 10 miles to the hospital for treatment after being bitten by a rabid dog and discovering that the vaccination you need is located an additional 100 miles away in a facility that can stock it because it has refrigerators.