Saturday, October 9, 2010

Remote Village Electrification Programme

The Remote Village Electrification Programme is being implemented by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy to provide lighting/electricity using renewable energy, in those remote unelectrified villages and hamlets which are not going to be covered under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) for grid electrification. The Programme has been continued during the 11th Plan and a budget allocation of Rs.80 crore made for the year.

Although a variety of renewable energy technologies are possible for electrification of remote villages including small hydro, wind, biomass and solar energy, yet, solar PV lighting remains the most preferred. The decision to use a particular technology is taken by the state implementing agencies after examination of the technical feasibility and resource availability.

The Programme is implemented in states by notified state implementing agencies. The Ministry provides a Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of upto 90% of the costs of installation of various renewable energy devices/systems. In addition, many other promotional supports and a substantial amount of service charge are provided to the state implementing agencies.

The cumulative sanctions under the Programme since its inception reached around 10,000, villages and hamlets of which work has been completed in around 6200 villages and hamlets. A target for coverage of 10,000 villages and hamlets has been set for the 11th Plan, of which 3280 villages and hamlets have been taken up by 31.12.2009. The main states where the programme has greater relevance due to difficult access to areas are Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and the North Eastern states. Special priority is being accorded to villages affected by internal disturbances/extremism in line with the policy of the Government.

Many important steps were initiated during the year to accelerate implementation of the Programme. Some of these are:
  1. Approval by the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure – The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) approved the continuation of Remote Village Electrification Programme of the Ministry for the 11th Plan. The Administrative Approval for 2009-10 incorporating the terms and conditions for implementation of the Programme, as approved by the Committee, has been issued.
  2. Constitution of the Coordination Committee – A Coordination Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, MNRE for the Programme in accordance with the mechanism approved by the Cabinet. The other members of the Committee include representatives of Ministry of Power, Rural Electrification Corporation, Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Planning Commission. The Committee is empowered to approve the proposals for financial support under the programme and also lay down the terms for implementation of the projects. The Committee had two meetings during the period under review.
  3. Eligibility for support – It was expanded during the year to cover:
i. All census unelectrified villages and their hamlets not covered under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, as confirmed by REC.
Unelectrified hamlets of electrified census villages having population of more than 300 and which are situated at least 3 kms from the nearest distribution transformer of the Grid.
ii. Uncovered households which existed as on 31.12.2008, of eligible villages and hamlets which have been earlier taken up under Remote Village Electrification Programme. The list of such households/names of such beneficiaries should be endorsed by the village panchayat and subsequently by the Block Development Officer or the Chief Development Officer or the District Collector.

  1. Coordination with States - A number of review meetings were held during the year with the state implementing agencies to expedite the implementation of already sanctioned projects and also to impress upon them the need to identify early the villages and hamlets excluded from RGGVY for coverage under the Programme. Such meetings have been held at the level of Secretary with the North Eastern states, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal, etc. 
  2. Training, Awareness and Orientation Programmes – In continuation of its efforts for involvement of different stakeholders, such as the concerned officials of the district and the State Electricity Board (SEB), the beneficiaries, the local elected representatives, NGOs, etc., the Ministry sponsors training and awareness programmes in different states. 

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